RCP 2 - Special Offer

*RCP 2 for only $3900 (instead of $4400, will go up to $5500)
*Immediate Acess to the Accelerated Helaing Course (value: $3500)

* Until Sunday August 11, 1pm CST

New: Payment Plans Available

Option 1: One year: $325 x 12 
Option 2: 6 Months: 650 x 6

"I wanted to share some good news with you. A patient I've been working with just had their PET SCAN come back clear after several months of discontinuing chemo and doing this work to heal.
It's a true honor and blessing to be a part of supporting another in their spiritual growth.
Thank you for all the continued lessons and encouragement you provide. You are an amazing soul! :) Please thank Aria for all the good work she provides as well!"

Joining Level 2 training with Root Cause Institute is hands down one of the best investments I’ve ever made and one which I am sure will now support me in a multitude of ways on my own healing journey, in supporting the health and well-being of my loved ones and in my service as teacher, mentor and guide. Paul’s Soul Retrieval Process, for example, which he skilfully and lovingly guided me through on the course, was deeply moving and cathartic for me and has now become a new self healing modality to enrich my life for years to come. 
Today's class, day 5, Soul Retrieval, was such a gift to be involved in. I had no idea that the course or this process would go so deep and be so profoundly healing for your client. 
I feel the healer inside of me looking forward to being able to share similar experiences with others...... and myself. 
Thank you for sharing your many talents and gifts. In Gratitude 
"Paul & Aria took me on a journey to myself, for myself & I feel ALIVE & FREE from fear. I’m truly seeing each new day with fresh new eyes on a deeper level now. Thank you for the Amazing transformative experience. 
Real soul exeperiences can be difficult to put in to words because it’s not an intellectual process. It’s a unique, individual experience! Forever grateful."

What you will learn

This Course contains priceless knowledge and wisdom, which Paul has acquired from over 10 years of helping individuals reverse cancer - what you will learn is not find anywhere else.

  • Paul's Root-Cause-Soul-Retrieval for Trauma and Childhood Healing, and Cancer Reversal
  • Recorded examples of Paul Coaching Clients in real time (permission granted and privacy maintained)
  • How to pray and co-create with 'Source / God' to reverse Cancer
  • Pauls 28 Step Cancer Reversal Process (cancer disappears when all steps are successfully completed)
  • The Spiritual Initiations of the Human Journey, how to use them for personal growth and cancer reversal
  • Apprenticeship Option: 3-way coaching with your client, you, and Paul or Aria
"For the past 6 months I have been studying the root cause of cancer and other health challenges with two of the best teachers in the world. After taking level 1 & 2 I have completely dissolved two thyroid tumors on myself and completely eliminated my 8 year old French bulldogs Mast Cell cancer growths she had been dealing with for years.
I'm forever grateful for the wealth of knowledge Paul and Aria have given me. I'm now confident in my ability to heal myself, animals and share the insights to help all future clients heal themselves.”

Learn the most effective methods for reversing cancer and dis-ease

*Sign up Now and Save $1600 

$500 + $1100 = $1600 almost 50% of what you paid for Level 1!