The #1 missing piece for preventing and reversing cancer

Gain Immediate Access to The Leading Edge Knowledge and Tools of Root Cause Healing, discover the psycho-emotional Root Cause of Cancer in all regions of the body* and learn the life-changing Real Self Healing Process©. 
Students who had cancer when taking this training have been able to heal themselves by applying this process and resolving the root cause (see testimonials). Beyond cancer and other diseases, this training carries over into evolving through life-challenges, healing relationships, and creating health and fulfillment for you and your clients.

Write your awesome label here.

~7 Day online course (~2 hours/day)
(Complete at Your Own Pace)
1 Year of Monthly Root Cause Healing Calls with Paul & Aria exclusive to our students 
+ Access to growing library of recorded Q&A’s


What you will learn

Module 1 - The 5 Most Important Factors for Health & Healing*

• What differentiates Root Cause Healing from other approaches (alternative and traditional) to preventing and reversing cancer and what makes it so effective*

• The Human Journey from childhood to Spiritual Adulthood, and what we need to be whole

• Embodying our Real-Self and how our False-Self can leads to dis-ease if not transmuted

Module 2 - The Exact type of Stress that leads to Cancer & Disease and Why*

• The bodies energy system and how our psyche & emotions effect specific parts of our body
• The most effective way to meditate for healing, health, and personal growth

• The limited role of genetics, how to transcend victim consciousness to empower yourself and your clients
• Breaking the family lineage of disease and cancer

Module 3 - The Root Cause Detection System

• The Real Root-Cause of Cancer in all parts of the body (breast, lung, colon, brain, etc) and what's needed to heal*
• Why cancer often redevelops after it's been destroyed despite widespread conventional or alternative methods, and how Root Cause Healing can addresses the true underlying cause so that cancer does not come back*

• Learn from Real-Life Case Histories Paul has coached 

Module 4 - The Real-Self Healing Process

• Learn & apply the Real-Self Process; Our advanced processing & emotional healing tool which has helped a number of our students, and clients of students reverse their cancer without treatments (see testimonials)
• How to process and come to peace about a stressful challenge or event, release stuck energy from the body, and move into the future with clarity, confidence, and fulfillment, connected to ones true self

personal opinion based on consistent observations with cancer clients over 16+ years


You'll also get

Live Intro Group Call

You can chose any intro call after enrolling. They are always on the 14th of each month at (2pm - 3pm Costa Rica Time)
Paul and Aria open the space. Everyone is encouraged to share their motivation for taking this training and previous experiences with cancer, personally, with clients, or with others close to them. This day is important to create personal connection and a feeling of community that will be continued through the Monthy Calls and Root Cause Community. 

Complete your own Healing Process & Gain Your Certification

1. Exam: Answer important question to test your knowledge and deepen your undertanding of the Course Material
2. Complete your own Healing Process: Embody the Real-Self Process to Free Yourself of a stressful challenge and help  guide your clients. You will receive Personal feedback and gudiance from Paul Leendertse.
3. After your exam is approved you gain your certification: Root Cause Practitioner
"RCP1 is a great exam experience. I wish all the other many exams in my life had been like this." - Lyndsey, Law Graduate & Trainee Psychotherapist

Excel as a Coach & Grow Your Business

• How to facilitate highly effective and valuable coaching sessions for you clients

• Building a successful business on conscious values
• 20+ potent educational videos, handouts, and more
"I am making my way through the resources and can't thank you enough for these, they are incredible and so helpful." - Sally

12 Monthly Q&A + Coaching Calls with Paul & Aria

Exclusive access to one year of monthly Q&A and Coaching calls with Paul & Aria.
Join a passionate community of Students and consistently deepen your understanding of the Root Cause work, and integrate your new knowlede into your coaching practice and/or personal life.

"Thanks to you and Aria for a rich, insightful and supportive Q&A! I love these calls and always look forward to them."- Samantha

Video & Image Testimonials


Write your awesome label here.
Personal Trainer & Health Coach


Write your awesome label here.
Emotion Body Code Practitioner
Write your awesome label here.
Trauma Healing Coach & Former Nurse

Write your awesome label here.
Hypnotherapist & Health Coach


Gain The Leading Edge Knowledge & Skills of 
Root Cause Healing

*Payment Plans Available in Next Step

Learn the Real-Self Healing Process©

Powerful Enough to Prevent and Reverse Cancer & Disease
At the core of this course is Paul's 15 Step Real-Self Healing Process©, which he has developed from over 16 years of helping clients prevent and reverse cancer, and disease with a psycho-emotional root cause.

It has been called 'brilliant' and 'life-changing' by many, and although designed primarily for prevention, multiple students who had cancer at the time of taking this training have been able to heal themselves by applying this process.

For others, it's allowed them to come to closure, acceptance and peace with regards to their own life challenge(s) and create a more healthy, fulfilling and authentic life.

You will learn how to use the RS Process© with your clients
 to help them release suppressed emotions linked to the cause of their cancer or disease, or that may lead to disease in the body (in particular cancer) if left unprocessed.*
Powerful Enough to Reverse Cancer & Disease
The most effective, efficient & accelerated healing method i've discovered when it comes to
helping people heal themselves, their clients, and their loved ones from cancer 
Because for the last 15 years i've spent helping people deal with primarily stage 3&4 cancer
 waiting a long time and hoping it would work wasn't really an option. 
Neither was spreading my focus
jumping from one thing to another thing to try figure it out.

I was on a mission to figure out 2 simple yet critically important things. 
Both were absolutely essential  to help my clients reverse their cancer
Now you might be wondering what those 2 things

1. What's the true underlying cause?
This is what I call the root cause and that's what our entire methodology and training is based around, that teaches our students how they can become proficient, effective, experts, capable of doing this.

2. What's the most effective way to actually heal and address it permanently?
Permanently, not just get rid of a bit, do some expensive treatment, have it go into remission, and think everything is fine, and you're happy you were miraculously cured, only to end up having it come up again within a matter of weeks/months or sometimes years, metastasized, even worse.

What's the fastest way to address it? 
Because the true underlying root cause of cancer is always Psycho-emotional 
The question I asked myself was: what's the fastest and most effective way to actually resolve that / those emotions?
And not just that one single emotion or traumatic event or life stressor

But the actual emotional origin/charge/wounds that’s still stuck in your body and rapidly spinning/multiplying - Trapped in your body

The #1 Root Cause Detection Map That Shows You the True Root-Cause of Cancer
So You Know Precisely What’s Needed To Heal
The 3 Step Cancer-Reversal Method 

The Most Sure-Fire Way to Heal & Reverse Cancer Permanently is by resolving
the energetic & emotional root-cause issues that created it in the first place


1) Detect: Identify The Root-Cause
2) Resolve: Resolve The Core Underlying Issue
3) Reverse: Let the Body Heal itself

In reality, it's more like a 2 step process because once you detect the true cause
and effectively resolve the underlying root-cause issue, step #3 pretty much happens on its own.
In fact, reversing the cancer is actually the easiest part because our body already knows how to heal,
and after we've resolved what's been damaging it, it can complete it's healing.

Learn From The Pioneer

Learn our most effective methods developed from over 16 years of research into the Root Cause*

Paul Leendertse

Main Instructor, Author, Coach, Pioneer
Paul Leendertse is the Pioneer of the Root Cause Work and Author of 'The Root Cause of Cancer'. He has over 15 years of rare experience helping individuals overcome significant health challenges - often stage 3 or 4 cancer. 

Over a 10 year period, by living with individuals with Cancer for 3 weeks at a time working together to examine the various life-challenges, traumas, emotional distress, and lifestyle factors they were experiencing, Paul observed consistent patterns which led him to develop his theory that the root cause of cancer is a "psycho-emotional stress complex" which impacts our physical body, that needs to be identified and resolved to heal from within.

Paul has developed a clear and successful methodology for self-healing based on the remarkable success at his 'Healing from Within Retreat' in Canada, where 91.6% percent of his clients were able to reverse their cancer during the retreat with his teachings and support, without any focus on destroying cancer through physical means.

In 2021 Paul and Aria founded Root Cause Institute and began teaching online to bring these life changing discoveries to the world. If you want to acquire advanced knowledge and skill in Root Cause Healing for cancer and other disease, including the 15-step Real Self Healing Process, sign up now for the Root Cause Course.

Aria Konrad

Co-Instuctor, Root Cause & Holistic Coach

Join the Root Cause Movement

Start learning right away, and meet us on the next into day

2 Payment Options:

$590 downpayment and 9 payments of $290 USD
 Pay in Full $2900 (Regular $3300)

choose in next step


Apply for Scholarship

Do you really want to take the course but can't afford it?
We now offer scholarships for special scenarios


Fill out the Application Form


You will receive an email from us (within two weeks) confirming if you are eligible for funding and the amount granted.


Use your personal code to take the Root Cause Course at 15-50% off

Frequently asked questions

What can you offer that I cannot get anywhere else?

With Root Cause Institute you will have the opportunity to learn from over 15 years of research into the lives of individuals with cancer. You will be learning from Paul Leendertse directly, who has done significant pioneering work in the Root Cause of Cancer. 

Do I need previous experience?

Although our trainings are designed for professionals, no previous experience is required. A variety of people from all walks of life take our courses

• Stay at home mom's who want to raise healthy, cancer free children
• Individuals who want to understand and support their friends or family members, diagnosed with cancer
• Professionals of any kind such as Medical Doctors, Health Coaches, Physio Therapists, etc.
• People with cancer who want to understand their cancer and heal themselves

What is most important is that you are passionate about this knowledge. 
Paul is a skilled teacher who can make complex topics practical and relatable.

Can I start with Root Cause Course 2?

No. Supporting Clients in their personal healing journeyes requires a variety of skills that take time to understand, practice and develop, thus Root Cause Course 1 is a pre-requisite for Root Cause Course 2. 

The course material is designed to prepare you step by step to become skilled in holding space for, supporting, and guiding clients through their self-healing process.

When can I start studying? 

Root Course Course 1 is now available recorded, you can start learning any time. Start Now

Can I heal someone when I complete the trainings?

No. Root Cause Institute does not teach how to heal someone. or make any claims or guarantees about healing.

You will learn how to help your clients unlock their innate ability to heal themselves, and gain practical tools and knowledge to support them in that process.

Can I take your courses if I have cancer?

Yes. A variety of individuals with cancer have taken our training. Many of them have been able to reversed their cancer after they applied what learned. 
See Testimonials here

Will I be learning about GNM?

No. We do not teach GNM.

Pauls approach has developed from over 15 years of resarch into the lives of individuals with cancer, helping them identify and resolve significant stress, suppresed emotions, and create a life that truly noursishes them.

Much of what Paul has discoverd is contradictory to GNM. Our courses contain original material based on our own research.

To learn more about the Root Cause of Cancer and how our approach substantially differs from GNM watch our webinar:The Root Cause of Cancer & a Loving Correction of GNM